We run a small flower farm located in the south of Slovakia. Six years ago, inspired by the blog of amazing British flower farm Green and Gorgeous, we started to search for suppliers that could provide me with those amazing cutting varieties of anemones we fell in love with. Our French supplier was so kind as to sell us a small amount of 500 corms and we were able to grow our first patch of Galillee anemones. Since then, ranunculi and anemones became our main spring crop, bringing us loads of flowers for weddings and bouquets. We love them! Although they are not the easiest crop you can grow, they are extremely beautiful, produce numbers of stems per plant, hold well in the vase and offer amazing colour palette.

We saw that there were many small farmers and gardeners who would love to grow these beautiful spring flowers, so we started a small e-shop with ranunculus and anemone corms for Slovak and Czech customers. This year, we open the e-shop for small-scale farmers and growers from all EU countries – take a look and choose your favourites!



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